Getting Real in der Schule: Embrace Constraints

Embrace constraints Let limitations guide you to creative solutions. There’s never enough to go around. Not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough people. That’s a good thing. Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them. Let them guide you. Constraints drive innovation and force focus. Instead of trying to remove them, use them to your advantage. Die erste Reaktion auf eine Einschränkung ist meist der Wunsch, sie wieder zu beseitigen. Angenommen ich bin es gewohnt, mit dem Auto in fünfzehn Minuten zur Arbeit zu fahren. Eines Tages ist das Auto in der Reparatur und ich muss für die Weiter lesen …

Getting Real in der Schule: Meetings are Toxic

Meetings Are Toxic Don’t have meetings. […] Every minute you avoid spending in a meeting is a minute you can get real work done instead. There’s nothing more toxic to productivity than a meeting. Here’s a few reasons why: […] They usually convey an abysmally small amount of information per minute. They often contain at least one moron that inevitably gets his turn to waste everyone’s time with nonsense. They drift off-subject easier than a Chicago cab in heavy snow. They frequently have agendas so vague nobody is really sure what they are about. They require thorough preparation that people Weiter lesen …

Getting Real in der Schule: Alone Time

Alone Time People need uninterrupted time to get things done. […] When you have a long stretch when you aren’t bothered, you can get in the zone. The zone is when you are most productive. It’s when you don’t have to mindshift between various tasks. It’s when you aren’t interrupted to answer a question or look up something or send an email or answer an im. The alone zone is where real progress is made. Getting in the zone takes time. And that’s why interruption is your enemy. […] Set up a rule at work: Make half the day alone Weiter lesen …

Stress stört

Eine neue Studie belegt den negativen Einfluss von Stress gerade auf überdurchschnittlich Begabte. Die Probanden fielen auf ein durchschnittliches Leistungsniveau zurück, wenn sie Aufgaben unter Stress lösen mussten. In stressfreien Umgebungen konnten sie ihre Talente besser zur Geltung bringen. Details bei Wissenschaft Aktuell